Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Kiva Donation

Another KIVA donation.   Give a little help a lot.  :  )



About the Loan

(For privacy reasons, the Field Partner has requested that last name be undisclosed)
Location:Masindi, Uganda Repayment Term:9 months
(more info)
Activity:Clothing Sales Repayment Schedule:Monthly
Loan Use:To buy clothes, shoes, socks and suitcases for her shop Currency Exchange Loss:Possible
   Default Protection:Not Covered
Monica is a mother to three children. She lives in a family of four people which she looks after together with her husband.

Monica operates a clothing shop in Masindi, Uganda, and has come a long way to reach that level, having started with very little stock two years back.

Monica hopes to grow even further in her business with the help of credit facilities from HOFOKAM, despite the competition and the high cost of renting in the area. With the loan, she intends to buy clothes, shoes, socks and suitcases to sell in her shop.

Monica dreams of living in her own home away from renting and says she is working on it.